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Polenta slices

A country-style treat, quick and easy to prepare


(for 4 people)

1 teaspoon salt
250 g coarse hominy grits
approx. 50 g butter
4 Minipic sausages
100 g grated cheese


(Recipe takes approx. 1 hour)
  • Put 1 litre of water on to the boil, allow the hominy grits to swell while stirring and simmer at a low heat under cover for approx. 30 minutes. Grease a cake tin with butter and pour in half the hominy pulp.
  • Place the Minipic sausages on top lengthwise at small intervals and cover with the the rest of the hominy. Leave to cool. Remove the hominy cake from the tin and carefully cut into thick slices. Fry in heated butter on both sides until golden brown. Finally, scatter with grated cheese to taste.
  • Polenta slices (bramatta) are the perfect accompaniment to mushroom ragout or filling meat dishes. However, they are also a culinary delight when accompanied by a fresh salad.